The State of Our Church in 2018
The State of the Church 2018
What God has done in our history
Church founded in April 1998
New facility built in 2002
Kingdom Campus Vision
Baptisms conducted every year
Individual Spiritual Growth
Multiple Mission Trips
Support Mitch Marsh Ministries & SBC Cooperative Program
Retired Church Debt 2016
What God has done among us lately
In 2017:
Enabled us to baptize 11 people
Brought Ben Reeves to serve as our Associate Pastor
Brought 86 individual children in the last quarter of 2017
Expanded our ministry opportunities through Celebrate Recovery
Expanded our outreach through streaming our services
2017 Facility changes
Roof Repair
Children’s Hallway (Brooke Crowder)
Renovations: Choir Room / Library / Offices
Fire Pit (Clayton Stratton)
Improved Security: Safety Team / Cameras / Exterior Lights
Celebrations / Changes
Met our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal of $10K
Beth Shiloh has moved to their own facility
Emmanuel purchased their own land
Developing a Culture of Service & Volunteering
Developing Leaders: Elders & Ministry Catalysts
We are - Followers of Jesus Changing the World One Life at a Time
Vision ‘18
To be an Authentic Christian Community
To Reach People with the Gospel of Jesus
To Celebrate & Share our Life in Christ Together
2018 Opportunities
Volunteer in the Children’s Ministry
Increased weekly giving
Mission trips: Volunteers & Funding
Facility Improvements
Increased Ministry participation
More shared experiences of Worship and Fellowship
Personal Challenges
What will it take to move you from where you are, to where God wants you to be?
How will you serve the body of Christ in 2018?